CT-CMS Carboxy Methyl Starch
Product Description:
CT CMS filtration control agent is a cross-linked starch product intended for reducing HTHP filtrate loss for water based fluids. It is non ionic in nature suitable for fluids containing salts or ion sensitive additives.
CT CMS is suitable for all water-based fluids including drilling, completion, and work-over fluids. It is a good Low share rate viscosity (LSRV) improver with Xanthan Gum polymer.
CT CMS can be used as a filtration control agent at temperature more than 300°F (149°C).
It can be used in most brines including seawater, NaCl, KCl, CaCl2, CaBr2 & Format salt systems.
CT CMS resists calcium contamination over a wide pH range.
It is suitable for all water-based fluids including drilling, completion, and work-over fluids.
Environmentally responsible, presenting no toxicity or ecological problems.
Physical Properties:
Physical appearance - Off white, free-flowing powder
Specific gravity -1.5
Solubility -Soluble in water.
Recommended Treatment:
Recommended concentration range is 3 – 9 Ib/bbl (9 - 26 kg/m³).
Packing and Storage:
CT CMS is packaged in 50-lb (22.7-kg) sacks.